Monday, October 25, 2010

Quick and effective ways to promote blogs using e-mail services

Email marketing one of the popular ways to advertised yourself. Many bloggers use it to build their audience. They mostly use the traditional way which are mastered by many but if you are still don’t know how to promote your blog this article will surely help you.

Having a good blog is one thing is one thing and promoting it is other. You can use these following tactics to do effective email marketing –

  1. Have permission- collecting the e-mail address does not mean that your post will always goes into the mail box of the user. You must have permission to send your posts to them otherwise you will be ending up spamming.
  2. Know expectationsalways know the expectation before sending newsletter. Before sending post you have to be quite sure about the contents as well. Make sure how frequently subscriber wants your posts, suppose he wants your post once in a month and you’re supplying once in a day then soon your posts finds a place in spam box or you get black listed. So know expectations before sending the posts.
  3. Build a unique identityalways be coherent and different in your appearance. Always have some free time to check your layout and format of the post. It is always advisable to keep it same with email.
  4. Mobile tips- keep yourself and your blog updated with new mobile rules. As many of your audience are using mobile net so it is an important aspect of it. There is plethora of mobile mail designs available and giving them time would be good for your growth.
  5. Short and to the point- always make your post concise and short. People in today’s scenario want to read to the point and reading long mails are not suits them. So edit your post many times before mailing it.
  6. Check the reverse flow- many of the bloggers in today’s world keep on posting and they don’t care about having check at traffic on the blog. If you are posting and did not get any traffic on your blog than you must ask your subscriber to start visiting your blog.
  7. Make leaving blog easy- always make unsubscribing option as easy as possible. It is true that if someone wants to unsubscribe your blog you don’t want to make it happen easily. But if you don’t allow this to happen easily you will be in trouble as many web laws are in favor of subscriber. So always make it easier.
  8. Check your mail appearance in different browsers- there are different options to check your mail appearance as many services are there to help you out. It is important rechecking it before letting it go because different browsers have different appearance settings and you don’t which subscriber using which browser. So always check before mailing.
  9. Defragment your lists - always defragments your blog in categories and subcategories. It will help subscriber to be specific about the content he reads.
  10. Seek feedback- always look for a feedback and try to get maximum feedback from subscriber. Through feedback you will know the trends of the reading and mistakes you made. Feedback always improves your quality if you act according to it.

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